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Google Play Store Policy Changes, impact on ASO

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Recently, there will be new guidelines and policies for the Google Play store policy in the second half of 2021. The emphasis of Google is strongly shifting in-app experience and enhancing the app quality to discover on Google Play Store.  

Do you want to know the reasons behind the google play policy changes 2021? We all know the fact that Google Play launched back in 2008 with a wide range of apps and games available. The system was easy for the developer to get observed. Presently, the Google Play store is offering high visibility and millions of apps in more than 190 countries.

This is the fact that Google play store is the most challenging market for users to find and download the app that offers value. Users can easily see the millions of apps, but out of these many apps are developed with the purpose to mislead users. Now, google play policy change 2021 is important to eliminate misleading, clone apps, and spam for the Play store.

The future changes of ASO in 2021 has been done in two ways which are:

Changes in Google Play Store policy for app metadata

The fact is that google new policy 2021 changes lead to strict restrictions for the app metadata and creatives which ultimately leads to an impact on your ASO efforts:

  • Decreasing the length of app title: 30 characters instead of 50 characters.
  • Refusing the usage of Keywords that imply the performance of the store, promotion in an icon, developer name, and title.
  • Eliminating graphic elements that mislead users in the app icon.

App title: Length from 50 to 30 characters

We all know the fact Google Play store allows up to 50 characters for the app title. However, now under the google play policy change 2021, the app title will limit to 30 characters. The interesting fact is that this is the same title limit that Apple offers to their app store users.

For the users, this is a matter of major changes because they are losing 20 characters in which they generally place the keywords that help in attaining the most vital ranking weight. Now, there is a need for a more precise selection of relevant keywords. However, this seems to be a difficult job to balance out and get engagement on an app in 30 characters.

Keywords related to promotion and store performance are restricted in the App title.

Do you know that reducing character for App title was not the only google policy update 2021 but also restricting some keywords makes a major change? google play update is that there will be no use of any incentives around store performance. Buy android keyword installs for performance like top and best as well as keywords for diverse deals like a sale or free. Not only this, it applies to your app icon as well as the name of the developer.

Below is the list of restrictions:

Google policy update 2021 will restrict graphic elements that may mislead users

The future changes of ASO in 2021 include the major changes about the icon that is majorly checked by the potential users when they scroll their play store. App icon grabs the attention of new and existing customers so that they can download the app. However, google policy update 2021 enforce showing the major purpose of the app without any kind of misleading graphic elements in the app icon.

Google’s new policy 2021 talks about the misleading elements that are not allowed to use. Developers are restricted to the graphic elements or text that display ranking, store performance, or promotions. Moreover, the words used for promotions like a best, sale, or graphic elements are not allowed.

Google play store changes 2021 for store listing

Do you know that the announcement was not limited to the metadata policy changes but also includes the changes that will take place in-store listing? 

Google Play update is for the recently released new guidelines related to feature graphics, screenshots, video as well as shot description. These elements are generally used by the developers through which they can showcase the app’s features along with their functionality. The motive behind the restrictions is that developers need to represent their app or game ethically. They should offer adequate details to assist the users to decide to install the app or not.  

Google play store policy says that assets that don’t attain these guidelines may be disqualified for promotion and also suggesting on major Google Play surfaces like Apps as well as Games home. Developers will begin using these guidelines from the second half of 2021.

Summary of google policy update 2021

Do you agree with the fact that Google has taken strict actions by forming the new policies to eliminate misleading, span apps and games or clones? Developers need to get ready for following the Google new policy 2021 guidelines as soon as they release in the next half of the year.

Google play updates for all the changes in app metadata and store listing are required to be considered. For more details, stay connected with us.

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