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WWDC 2021: Apple’s iOS 15 Reveal: What Will Change for ASO

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Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2021) came with big news for ASO practitioners at the beginning of this month. Apple WWDC 2021 date was June 7th that includes recent updates and other aspects.

Apple revealed that they will bring changes in different software and these changes will be there in iOS 15. However, Apple didn’t speak anything about iOS 15 release date but some researcher has predicted the Apple iOS release date in the month of September 2021.

ASO conference 2021, announcement includes the facts about Search results, A/B Testing Tool, Custom Product Pages, and In-App Events in iOS15 as major changes in app store optimization 2021.

Search results

The major changes that took place are related to the Search results page. For the customers, now there is a short card with the app icon and name is showed for the installed apps that is without the screenshots.

Search results layout

However, now on the screenshot, you can determine the fourth application in Search which displays on the first screen because the initial three are installed apps. ASO conference 2021 considered this change, a major one for ASO as it permits the apps below to score the first position to get higher visibility.

A/B testing in App Store

Here, existing news for all ASO practitioners is that they can find the functionality to test app icons, videos, and screenshots directly on their App store. However, this development is already there on Google Play but developers want to see the improvement in the functionality of iOS.

Do you wish to test a new icon? Sure, you can as it is included in the app binary at the time of the development stage and also uploaded to share the review.

A/B testing

The benefit of this App Store optimization 2021 is to conduct A/B tests across the work or through local areas and also to get the control of traffic (spilt into default and variants). Developers should be aware that all the tested assets will get submitted for Apple review. All they have to do is to submit the app previews and screenshots. Thus, developers are waiting eagerly for the iOS 15 release date after the ASO conference 2021 as they can buy ios ratings.

Custom App Pages

Apple announcement for Custom product pages has brought a smile to developers’ faces. It is the best way to create additional versions of your App Store product page that reflects the diverse features or content present within the app for the target audience. These pages help as promotional text, app previews, and also screenshots. Apple’s release of the information for the custom page has put pressure on Google and Facebook as both ad networks require advertisers to enhance the single store URL for all their app install campaigns.

Custom Product Pages

In ASO conference 2021, Apple shares the section of the analytics of App Store Connect. Developers like you can now measure impressions, downloads, conversion rate and also proceeds with the retention per custom product page.

In-App Events

Are you interested to hear about in-app events? Here, you go with the details below:

Apple version of Google Play’s Events is considered as timely events within apps as well as games. Every developer wants to get new customers for them. Many popular apps, as well as games, frequently offer new and timely content so that they can set a new base active and recruit new target customers. On the way of Google, Apple is stepping by offering developers the possibility to promote their events in the APP Store.

Most importantly, the iOS 15 release date will be in September that will be considered a major development of Apple. Apple will offer the developers the feature of App Store Connect metrics includes: event page views, engagement, view impressions, conversion data, and also the number of users who adopted the option to notify when the event start.

ASO Conference 2021

Apple wwdc 2021 date 7th June conference disclosed the news for the expected changes in the context of App analytics and new search results UI. The three main features that were announced relevant to ASO are Search results, A/B tests, custom product pages, and in-app events. However, apple also complemented with the news of changes in metrics which consists: –

  • Re-downloads
  • Total downloads
  • Proceeds data
  • ARPPU: Average revenue per paying user
  • Pre-order
  • Updates

App store connect will involve the metrics for the performance of the app on Mac OS (iPhone and iPad apps which are now being automatically present on macOS) and some specific metric for clips of App that includes card views, installs, sessions, and crashes.

Other updates

App Store optimization 2021 includes the new guidelines consisting of the restrictions that can mislead the advertisements in the meeting of Apple wwdc 2021 date, 7th June. Guidelines show that ad creative that does not reflect the app contents will get penalized up to the elimination of the app from the App store.


Are you excited to see the changes and their impact? Even the fact is that these changes are not yet arrived and still there is news about ASO!

App store optimization 2021 brings major changes which attract existing and new customers that help in forming a strong customer base. The developers as you are eagerly waiting for the news related to the iOS 15 release date.

Stay connected for more details or interesting facts about ASO or developments for developers.

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