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Android App Icon Vs ios App Icon Design Guidelines

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The first impression with an App Icon Design determines how further the interactions with app will be. The first impression is the last impression!

App Icon Design passes the message what your app is all about. The mentions the purpose of the app and whether it would be beneficial to download or not.

You see, so much a right Icon can tell. Similarly a falsely designed App Icon can hamper the app image even before much is done.

Confused about the design guidelines? Read below for some important facts and tricks!

Why a perfect app icon design is a must?

App Icon is the only thing that remains with the user throughout their app journey. This attachment is irrelevant of the meeting point: search list top charts or the pick for you. Besides sticking on the home screen and urging users to open app.

The android app icon design guidelines differ from the ios app icon guidelines. Even with differences they both share the same agenda:  Hooking on the Audience.

The perfect app icon helps in pursuing the decisive and exploratory traffic. Finally, leading them to app installation.

Are there any variations in app icon design patterns?

Variations with app icon design leaves room for enough creativity. Here are some options to consider for the app icon design guidelines:

  • Characters centric

App users relate easily with the main character used in app icon design. Pick a single or multiple characters. Text use can be optional.


  • Branding and Title centric

App Icon concepts works here. Users identify and engage with the app. Brand awareness is the key factor in this.

  • Functional Centric

Functionality centric designs help in understanding the core use of the app. This one resolves the major reason: solution for the user’s app quest.

Android Vs ios App Icon Design Guidelines

The ios app icon design guidelines:

Have a strong icon while communicating the app’s purpose and utility. Sticky header helps in accentuating icon while visitors scroll down the product page as the icon remains visible.

  1. Jpg or png formats
  2. 512 x 512 pixels or 1024 x 1024 pixels

The android design guidelines:

Create a strong first impression app icon that users see while searching and communicating within the platform.

  1. png (with alpha) formats
  2. 512 x 512 pixels
  3. 1024KB file size limit

Let’s talk about the icon design guidelines or the principles. These help to be informative in coming up with the right design.

Scroll down for some informative tips on app icon design principles:

  • Scalability

Focus on a unique shape and element that helps in retaining the functionality of the app. The icon is to be shown on different platforms in different sizes.

 Keeping it simple and not over-crowding is one big part of the game. Trying the icon on device and in multiple contexts is necessary.

  • Recognizability

Make the icon so unique that it would be so easy to catch and get it. Keep removing the details from the icon until anymore removing spoils the design and concept.

Removing details from our favorite icons help in knowing what makes them unique. The same design guideline could be taken in consideration. 

  • Consistency

Keep in line, the icon design and its functionality. The end result is to produce a memorable app icon that leaves a lasting impression.

  • Uniqueness

This one is difficult to overlook. We need more variety to grasp the mind of the audience. Well we can try and look for examples that make the task easy telling us what is in trend.

We then can decide to pick a road that is less travelled.  Simplicity and creativity coupled with newness will bring the desired results.

  • Less Text

Don’t over use the words. When brand’s message is powerful accompanying those strong words would be good.

There are times when using the text would be appropriate and other times it would be vice versa. We just need to know those moments well.

Knowing everything about app icon design guidelines is not sufficient but just a part of the complete picture.

For more detailed information on the various App Creatives, check our other recent blogs here!

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